Friday, September 22, 2017

Too Expensive to take a Bullet

The article published by CNN brings to light a topic I've rarely think about. Protection for the government agencies that aren't very exciting. More specifically how much we are projected to spend on protection for government officials. The figures are mind blowing when you see who we are protecting around the clock.  The Department Of Homeland Security's inspector general filed stating that many members of the executive branch have protection details who only should them when they can establish a creditable treat. People like Secretary Of Education Betsy DeVos and Administrator Of the Environmental Protection Agency Scott Pruitt.

Having these members of the cabinet with around the clock security is a very expensive practice not mention unauthorized. The inspector general's report estimates that just the Custom and Border Protection chief's personal costs would be close to $700,000. Add that to the projected cost of President Trump's large family and frequent travel the new president does. It's no wonder more then 1,000 Secret Service agents will has hit the salary cap.

Blog 7

This is not normal between all the violence in the country to the fact the nationals grandpa still has access to his smartphone and the able...