Friday, October 20, 2017

Journal Four

The author of this Houston Chronicle is mostly trying to target the more alt left, younger readers. He was trying to rally them to let the this alt right, conservative speaker to give a guest lecture at Texas Southern University . Some student protester began it chat and "boo" him. The author was trying to show that the this speaker's right to free speech was being worked all over. This is the second time that I can remember when a public figures rights were trashed. The other time it happened at a college California this past year.the author was trying to just show that these protestors were doing the thing they hate most shutting down conversation.   

Friday, October 6, 2017

Stop Running Your Mouth And Do Something

In the article titled "Gun Control Now!" published in The Houston Chronicle the author is writing pretty much writing a letter to his elected officials making his angry of the tragic mass shooting at happen in Las Vegas this past week. The article is make his angry known to all who dare to read but it's also a call to arms. A call to everyone who is tried of hearing about more 500 mass shootings that have happened in the eighteen months. Tired of anyone saying "our thoughts and prayers are with friends, family and victims of this horrific event." The author makes a point to bring up exactly who are the parties responsible for the inaction. People like Senate Major Leader Mitch McConnell, Speaker Of The House Paul Ryan, Senators Pete Olson, Ted Poe and John Culberson. He bring to attention the fact that other well developed countries like Canada, Japan and Australia with better gun control have seen the number of times they have to get on television and reassure there citizens that they are safe; that the threat was neutralized. Honestly though the main theme of this article is just to see if anyone else has gotten tired of hearing "I'm Sorry for your lose" from elected officials while they get sit on there butts and look at there bank accounts grow. 

Blog 7

This is not normal between all the violence in the country to the fact the nationals grandpa still has access to his smartphone and the able...